Tea Time Fabric Panels Designer Fashions for 18- and 14-inch Dolls

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Tea Time Fabric Panels are Designer Doll Fashions to cut–and–sew for 18” Dolls and 14” Dolls. They are beautifully engineered with original prints, come with a step–by–step illustrated instruction booklet, and all notions needed. We also fit instructions for many popular 18” and 14” dolls. I hope you will explore Tea Time Fabric Panels.

Here are a few of our latest styles.
Purchasing information can be found at the Etsy store.

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#girldollclothes, #girldollpattern, #irishdolldanceclothes, #joy2everygirl, #dollstagram, #agcollector, #agphotographer,#teatimefabricpanels, #fabricpanel, #dollclothes, #14inchdollclothes, #cutandsewdollclothes, #14inchdollpatterns, #18inchdollclothes, #18dollpatterns, #dollclothesfabricpattern, #dollsewingpattern, #cutandsewkits, #sewfun, #sewhappy, #sewcreative

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Tea Time Fabric Panels

Designs for 18-inch dolls by Patricia Rosa